With the increasing growth of Linux, today Linux programs with a view that supports GUI (Graphical User Interface) more and more. With a GUI (Graphical User Interface) so that users increasingly easy to operate. The consequences of the use of the GUI in Linux is of a system, especially a computer with minimum specs old school.
Mekipun GUI has been circulating, via terminal commands use linux sometimes we can not avoid. In some cases the use of linux terminal is absolute. This is encouraging for us to know the basic commands in linux terminal.
For starters, here are some basic commands used in Linux, among others:
This command is used to display the manual page or the help of a command. Format of writing man, the man command so help us to walk in the linux terminals.
Man man example will display the manual pages from man.
Stands for present working directory, used to see the full path of the directory that are currently active.
This command is used to view the contents of a directory. Consumer ls / path, the path can be either absolute or relative address, if used without argument / path will display the contents of the current directory.
True to its name which is short for make directory, this command is used to create directories. Write regular run mkdir / path, if the argument / path instead of an absolute address of the directory that will be made relative to the current directory. Example mkdir / home / userkamu / try try directory will result in the user\'s home directory userkamu.
Its name is inspired from the change directory, is used to move from one directory to another directory. The argument used is the address of a directory, either relative or absolute. If used without arguments it will call the directory $ HOME. Example cd / etc/X11 will move the active directory to / etc/X11. There are two arguments for this command is privileged. and .. because cd. will call the directory itself and cd .. will move to the parent directory (up one level).
His real name is remove directory, is used to delete directories. But it will only remove empty directories. The other brother format it can be used with rmdir / path.
mv / path / home / path / destination will move a file or directory path from origin to destination. Can also be used to rename a file, the condition / path must be the same.
To copy a file path from origin to destination path run the command cp / path / home / path / destination. Unlike the mv which will destroy their home, cp will maintain it so it will be the same two files.
Derived from the word remove, used to delete a file with the command rm / name / file, can also be used to remove non-empty directories with include option-rf.
Retrieved from disk usage, used to estimate the disk space usage, the data will be displayed per file. If used without arguments will display the disk space usage in the active directory. Authoring format du / path / target. Use the-h option to display the results easier to read.
Disk free, used to see the capacity of the disk is still empty / free. Use the-h option if you want the results more pleasing to the eye.
Self titled, used to clean the terminal (screen).
Displays information about the currently active processes / running in the system. There are many options that can be given to this command, one of which is the aux which will show the entire process in the system.
Almost the same as the top ps will only show information that is always up to date and dynamic.
Derived from the word concatenate, used to display the contents of a file to standard output (usually the screen). Executed by typing cat / name / file.
Usually used to display strings / characters on screen, but can also be used to create a file by using output redirection.
The commands above are just some of the very complex commands contained in the Linux world. Similarly, explanations, arguments, and options described are just a few of the dozens and even hundreds of arguments and options for each command. The easiest way to get an explanation of the command is the opening page of the manual.
Okay .. so first yes our roads in linux terminal today. hopefully turtorial on Basic Commands in Linux terminal can be useful for you.
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